join liberty 2023

No Experience Needed.
Free Instrument Loan.
First month FREE then £4 Per Week.

We’re starting our new season and are looking for new members to come and be part of Liberty 2023. Come and Join Liberty!

We’re looking for young people who are interested in:

Brass, Woodwind, Drumming, Keyboards or Dance.


Newcomers are always welcome at Liberty, regardless of experience. We provide music or dance tuition to every member; from those who have never picked up a trumpet to others who have been dancing for years. And this year we are adding in clarinets and saxophones to our music ensemble – so now there are even more opportunities! Thanks to our excellent teaching team, 6 of our members have spent summers travelling the USA competing with the top music and dance groups – all of them joined Liberty with absolutely no experience!

When you join Liberty, you’re not just performing – you’re making lifelong friends. We try our very best to blend music and dance with fun and friendship.

There’s a place for every young person at Liberty!

Rehearsal Times & More


The senior group is made up of 12 to 18-year olds. They rehearse on Thursdays, 7:00pm - 9:00pm, as well as on the occasional Sunday. They also have weekend camps at an adventure centre several times a year where they rehearse, play games and build friendships.  The senior group compete across England over the summer and autumn, alongside leading parades and performing at public events.


Liberty's junior group for 10-12 year olds is currently rehearsing alongside the senior group. Thursdays from 7.00pm - 9.00pm.

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